JAMM enrollment flat, diversity grows

Advertising, 136 (down from 152)
Journalism, 125 (up from 105)
Public Relations, 95 (same as last year)
Radio-TV-Digital Media Production, 86 (down from 88)
This list doesn’t include four students who each declared two of our majors within JAMM, which is permitted only under special circumstances. We expect the number of majors to grow in coming weeks as first-year and new transfer students discover that our program more closely aligns with their career goals than those elsewhere on campus.
Some other highlights of the fall 2007 data: We have 90 freshmen, 12 fewer than a year ago. See the accompanying photo of JAMM Assistant Director Marc Skinner (back row, center) with some members of the class of 2011 during New Student Orientation last month. About 54 percent of our majors (243 students) are female.
I’m pleased to see an increase in the number of students from backgrounds traditionally under-represented in higher education. Seventy students (15.6 percent) identify themselves as a member of an ethnic minority, up from 41 a year ago. An additional two students list themselves as “other” (often students of mixed backgrounds) and 24 other students left blank their ethnic/racial identification. The number of Native American students doubled (from 9 to 18) and the number of African-American students went from 2 to 10. Thirteen students list Asian or Pacific Islander backgrounds and 29 students describe themselves as Hispanic of any race.
The growth in minority students reflects several factors: increased recruiting from community colleges in western
Photo by Mandie Schoenberg
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